June 2021  

Sustainably produced fashion & textiles is now clearly under the spotlight, compliance is becoming increasingly essential for both suppliers and retailers of all sizes.

All product that is being produced is under the spotlight to ensure that the fabric, the components and the packaging as some examples meet the requirements certifying a eco-friendly sustainable product has been produced, something that is not an easy feat.

Remember sustainability is about trying to avoid depletion of the planets natural resources and finding a way to reuse and recycle what we have already extracted from Mother Nature.

We have renewable energy such as solar and wind, recycled polyester fabrics from water bottles with recycled cardboard & paper for packaging materials. These are just a few of the options that are being used to produce “Planet Friendly Product “around the world.

Another area that is heavily overlooked thou is eco-friendly sustainable print design……….

Remember climate change the leading experts say is due to fossil fuels such as gas, oil and coal that when burnt creates carbon dioxide into the air which then in turn causes the planet to heat up.

The term “Carbon Offset” was created to explain clearly one possible solution, basically meaning offsetting non-friendly energy use with planet-friendly renewable energy use such as wind and solar power. This is then converted to electric that is then consumed for everything as energy from cars through to buildings.


Have you ever thought how much energy is being used to create a design and what the cost is?

Obviously this depends on how many designs you make and where you are in the world.

We have done many deep dives and currently we are calculating this as between £1.50 - £2.10 per week and is based on one apple iMac with a 27” Screen being used during the day and turned off in the evening.

We have used average energy costs from the United Kingdom and Europe to come to this conclusion.

What percentage of your electricity bill is that?


More importantly how about, have you ever thought about ways to make print design more planet friendly?

It’s a difficult one, designs need recolouring for many reasons from use for a different season through to fitting in with a key trend or look.

During the last year or so we asked this same question and decided that we wanted to be a “Sustainable Design Studio” So we started our online sales platform to offer our entire collection with non-exclusive licensing and offer multiple colourways to you, the congregation.

a) Every design is available in five fashion/trend aware colourations.

b) We also offer to recolour any design to the customers exclusive colours should they not be able to do that or do not have the time to do that.

Remember when you purchase a royalty free design from the Ministry…………….

  1. The design was created originally by the team and is exclusive to The Ministry
  2. We do not use any freelance designers which ensures the originality and exclusivity of the designs created.
  3. Every design comes with a “ Originality Certificate” declaring this



 Saving The Planet One Design At A Time!



Need an exclusive custom colour from your purchased design?
All custom colour work is exclusive to the customer and will not be used on our sales platform. Click Here To Arrange Now


We would love to hear from you, please secure message us by clicking here with any tips you have on helping to save the planet, if we really love what you sent we will send you a little gift